Helen J / West Allis

” I remember just searching for best little cute puppies for sale and their website listed first i began the search and found this little princess that has grown so much. First i was so skeptical just from their link but then i was so inlove with this cute puppy so i began the inquiries to be honest this was my first time and i was anxious and when i sent money i became so nervous and felt like i was gonna be scammed and before you know after like and hour i received a tracking number followed the process and boom my baby got home i couldn’t stop shading tears of joy. I very much love how they still text and call to ask about her and they have made me love me her more and more. I strongly recommend Havanese Paradise and wish you all good luck on your search” 

Thanis Family, San Francisco

“We have had an exceptional experience with Havanese Paradise. If given the opportunity, they would be our top choice every time. Their consistent communication and the delightful photos they shared as we eagerly awaited our new puppy’s arrival added an extra special touch to the whole experience. What truly sets Havanese Paradise apart is their commitment to providing a loving, healthy, and safe environment for both mama dog and puppies. Their exceptional care and genuine concern shine through in everything they do and say. We are overjoyed with our new puppy and filled with deep gratitude for the wonderful start they provided him.”

Maria & Family, Rocky Mount

“I researched dog breeds for a very long time because I really wanted to make sure I got the right fit for our busy family, 5 very active kids plus Nana! I wanted a dog that could participate with us and really be part of our family. We had a dog in the past that we loved but she was crazy and taking her out anywhere was total chaos!! What drew me to this breed was the fact that they don’t shed, the size (medium size, Simon is 6.7 lbs, and the fact that they are super intelligent. Well, I have to tell you that Simon has exceeded our expectations immensely! He is just the best dog we have ever had!! and we grately appreciate Havanese Paradise for such a wonderful puppy. 

Robert B, Plano

“As soon as you arrive on the Havanese Paradise website, a heartwarming family photo greets you, instantly setting them apart from other breeders. The genuine love and care they pour into their dogs is evident. Throughout the entire process, they are patient, supportive, and always ready to answer any questions. They go the extra mile by sending weekly pictures and videos, always there to uplift your spirits even in the middle of the week. Both my best friend and I were fortunate enough to receive puppies from different litters, and the website was incredibly accommodating in coordinating our selection and pick-up dates. My precious Havanese pup, Shia, has brought nothing but pure joy to my family, friends, and me. He is affectionate, playful, and undoubtedly the most adorable pup. I couldn’t be happier with my Havanese Paradise experience. If you’re reading this, look no further – I wholeheartedly recommend havanese Paradise infact there is their available puppy link  https://www.haveneseparadise.com/available-puppies/ ! Thank you for everything!” 

Nickerson Family, Louisville

“Linus is three months old today! We brought him home a month ago and it is like he has always been a part of our family. He is doing really well sleeping in his crate at night and knows ‘sit’ ‘stay’ and ‘down.’ We are also working on leash training with him. His alter ego “Puppy Piranha” is still pretty fierce but will hopefully calm down soon. He loves to abscond with towels and shoes every chance he gets.  We want to greatly appreciate the efforts of Havanese Paradise for raising him and helping us with the entire process because we very much doubted everything about getting the pup but then it was all butterflies at the end just as they promised.”

Daphne M, Tucson

“We couldn’t be more in love with our puppy like He was the last pup left in one of the litters, and I am so glad we snatched him up because he is simply amazing. I hadn’t had a dog before we got Murry, but my husband was a big proponent of getting a dog, and I am hooked lol He is so loving and sweet with not even one remotely mean bone in his body. He does so well with our 4 young nieces & gets along with all other dogs so well, too. He is a great mix of playful and cuddly/lazy which was the perfect addition to our family And he is very handsome, of course. We will always refer our friends & family to get puppies here.”

Zhou Family, OKC

“Thanks Havanese Paradise, you lived up to, and possibly surpassed, our expectations. We think Gracie is settling in nicely considering her very long flight and being separated from Jordan and her siblings. We think she may be the cutest pup ever. Gracie is doing great. She is busy exploring her new yard (that has no grass but a couple of trails and lots of bark she enjoys digging in). She has her own wading pool she jumps (and pees) in several times a day and several toys. She is getting so used to her crate that she goes in it voluntarily and is mostly adorable. We are working hard socializing her by taking her places like the pet store, drug store, a few car rides, etc. We have had lots of people over and I think it is going well. She hasn’t played with any other dogs yet but that will change next week when we have a couple come over for a play date. I’m working on training her to be well behaved…ignoring bad behavior (mostly) and rewarding the good. She is super smart and catching on quickly. She is 12 weeks tomorrow and we have only had her for two months but it seems much longer than that…in a good way!”

Markowski, Asheville

“We feel incredibly fortunate to have welcomed a puppy from Havanese Paradise into our lives. As parents, we were initially apprehensive about getting a puppy for our young children.
However, Havanese Paradise Puppies reassured us of their puppies’ exceptional temperament and compatibility with kids.
Their impeccable customer service and extensive knowledge about the breed convinced us to trust their guidance. Today, we can proudly affirm that adding a puppy from Havanese Paradise Puppies to our family has been the greatest joy for our children. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to them for their unwavering support and commendable efforts, as we are confident that their dedication will always ensure their puppies find the most loving homes.”

Anne & Theater, Asheville

Thank you Havanese Paradise Puppies for always bringing a smile to my face. Alex has been an absolute dream as my very first puppy. The experience with them and their incredible family of dogs has been beyond welcoming. They have patiently answered all my questions and more. My heart is filled with love for my sweet Alex! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The only regret I have is not getting two puppies. But hey, there’s always next time!

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